New hampshire traffic school online and defensive driving online. For more than 40 years, aarp driver safety has helped drivers improve their skills. Motorists who want to brush up on their safe driving knowledge are also encouraged to complete the course, but they have the option to enroll in either an inperson or online course. The right driving school can make a big difference. The concord new hampshire department of safety, in accordance with the concord new hampshire dmv, provides concord new hampshire drivers with a list of preapproved, brickandmortar classroom settings for concord new hampshire traffic school and driver improvement courses, should you be required or inclined to experience traffic school in a. Drivers ed is mandatory for all new drivers younger than 18 years of age. A1 auto school of new hampshire has been providing driver education at merrimack high school since 1987. New hampshire drivers ed nh online drivers education. Concord, new hampshire traffic laws and the rules of the road. Choosing a driving school driver education courses are designed to teach new drivers fundamental skills and basic knowledge required to drive a motor vehicle. Concord new hampshire online drivers ed and online. In new hampshire, teens younger than age 18 are required to complete driver education to qualify for a youth operator license.
This instructorled class incorporates a range of learning methods consisting of lecture, videos, and student discussion. All driver improvement classes have been moved to our concord, nh. Responsible driver textbook 18 chapters read each chapter and complete the quiz at the end of each. Driver education is regulated by the state of new hampshire, and all programs must provide 30 hours of classroom, 10 hours of behind the wheel instruction, as well as 6 hours of. Once i pass the course students will perform a written evaluation and will have a riding evaluation during the course. Education and training division of motor vehicles nh. Find the best concord, nh drivers education on superpages.
Class b truck, passenger vehicle and school bus training classes may also be available near you. The school is designed for teenagers, ages 1519 1620 in nc who already have a learners permit or drivers license and have at least 30 hours of driving experience. Those who have recently moved to new hampshire and possess an outofstate permit must get a new hampshire license. We provide driver education for weare, nh and the surrounding communities at john stark rhs. More than 15 years of expertise for an unrivaled quality driver safety experience. The safe driver course or driver improvement program is designed for people who have at least three demerit points on their driving record. Young adults ages 1524 and parents of young adult drivers. Driver education driver education merrimack high school. The dmv has approved the following new hampshire classes to be offered as. Call freylers driving school at 6039382530 or visit 209 academy road. The new hampshire classroom course covers a variety of topics including boat navigation, boating safety equipment, invasive aquatic species and laws and rules. You will also receive a state of new hampshire drivers manual. You must be at least 16 years of age to get a new hampshire drivers license.
Welcome to city wide driving school driving is a privilege. Although the course is geared to drivers age 50 and older, the course is open to people of all ages. If youre looking for truck driving schools in concord, youve come to the right place. When we are permitted to start back up, we will finish the march class then go on to the april segment 1 and 2 classes. We now have a program based in littleton that trains you to teach new drivers. New hampshire online traffic school and defensive driving school.
Aarp membership is not required to take the course and there are no tests to pass. All ages can take the new hampshire traffic school course. This will be done at a community level, creating a safe driving culture, teaming up. Your progress in the new hampshire traffic school course is automatically tracked so that when you return to the course, you will be taken to the last page you visited. If online driver education is not approved by your state, then you may be required to attend a concord new hampshire driver ed class. Drivers with a commercial driver s license can only attend traffic school if they were not driving a commercial vehicle. Persons 16 and 17 years of age may get a drivers license only if they pass an approved driver education course. New american driving school the new american driving school is a new program, initiated by second start, as part of its role with the welcoming concord initiative. Williams driving school will provide you with the tools you need to be a smart, and safe driver. Upon completion of the new hampshire defensive driving course, your points will be reduced by a total of three points. If you are hoping to reduce points on your driving record, you must attend the department of safety safe driver course at an approved traffic school. Driver education instructor white mountain community college. The national safety councils defensive driving courses are state approved driver. If you have gotten a traffic ticket in new hampshire and the new hampshire court is allowing you to go through driving school to dismiss it, or reduce fines, then sign up today for the driving university new hampshire online driving school and be on your way.
Traffic school new hampshire defensive driving course nh. To be in compliance with our governors executive order of march 23, 2020 and to help prevent the spread of the covid19 virus, b safe driving school is suspending our current march segment 1 class. Located in rochester nh, williams driving school provides classes for new hampshire driver education certification. Upon successful completion of the course, students will leave. New hampshire traffic laws and the rules of the road. Check out a wide array of activities, events and exciting places to go. As a result of a change in statute to increase public safety, individuals convicted of an impaired driving offense are now required to attend and participate in a new hampshire approved impaired driver care management program idcmp for a screening and evaluation to determine if there is a substance use disorder and. Financial responsibility demerit points driver improvement courses. Youll receive a certificate for a three demeritpoint credit on your new hampshire or maine driving record after completing the course. This will be done at a community level, creating a safe driving culture, teaming up with our local and national business partners.
Even if youre an experienced driver or a parent getting ready to teach your teenager how to drive, a drivers ed course in concord can help refresh you on topics including. If you need to complete a driver improvement program for pointreduction, or a driver attitude program to satisfy a court order, you must take the course in person. Interactive graphics and course material make for a fun driver safety experience. This sixhour classroom course teaches the newest techniques of defensive driving. Traffic school in new hampshire can be completed in person or online, depending on the reason you are taking the course.
At city wide driving school it is our goal to provide your of age 1617 year olds children with the necessary skills to promote safety and responsible driving. Defensive driving new hampshire online course improv. Nsc offers a variety of driver safety classroom courses, which can only be taught by certified nsc instructors. Even if youre an experienced driver or a parent getting ready to teach your teenager how to drive, a drivers ed course can help refresh you on topics including. Nh driver improvement course options points reduction. The nh dmv works with various private and public partners in order to offer opportunities for motor vehicle related training and education including. Ownerinstructor brent williams provides patient, thorough and professional instruction that students. Teen proactive driving school is a free, defensive driving program. Drivers who attend for these reasons must complete a new hampshire approved driver improvement course, which must be taken instate and not through an online class. Drivers education class outline curriculum requirements. If you are unable to download the forms and would prefer to have them mailed to you, please contact us at 603 2274025.
Commercial driving school, concord, driver improvement, 603 7152559. Learn more about nsc driver safety training for your employees. Impaired driving bureau of alcohol and drug services nh. In addition, you have an opportunity in concord new hampshire to attend traffic school or a driver improvement program in exchange for a reduction in points on. New hampshire state law requires all students who wish to obtain their new hampshire driver s license, prior to their 18th birthday, must first complete an approved driver education program. Granite state driving school po box 88 north salem, nh 03073 603 8988505. The great thing about the new hampshire online defensive driving, new hampshire traffic school and new hampshire driver improvement courses is that they can be taken from any computer with internet access. If thats the case, the concord new hampshire driver ed course offered by can still be a valuable resource that will reinforce the things you learn in the classroom. Get information about cdl class a tractor trailer training that takes as little as 36 weeks to complete.
I drive safelys new hampshire online defensive driving course is fast, convenient, and hasslefree. What age do you have to be to take the new hampshire traffic school course. In new hampshire, all violations have associated demerit points. Underhill driving school steering todays youth in the. Upon completion, the record of conviction will not be held confidential, but the conviction will not add a point count to the dmv record. We have developed a premier researchbased curriculum with teen safety in mind, so you can put your new driver on the road with confidence. Nh driving school is a drivers education course taught by bob underhill.
If playback doesnt begin shortly, try restarting your device. Aarp in your city or town explore your community aarp. Driver education schools driver licensing division of. Impaired driving new hampshire department of health. From museums to nature centers theres something for everyone.
The national safety council is a nonprofit, 501c3 organization. Best 20 drivers education in concord, nh by superpages. Teaching your teens to drive a 56minute dvd and handbook with stepbystep approaches in helping your teen prepare to drive. Driver improvement courses safe driver course, driver attitude program, and. New hampshire defensive driving traffic school online. Learn all about interesting places to go, things to see and social spots. In addition to the 10 hours of incar instruction with safe wheels, students are required to complete 40 hours of driving 10 of which must be in the dark within the state of new hampshire only, prior to going to the dmv to test for their license. Cdl training in concord, nh cdl training schools, truck.
The goal of this program is to expand employment opportunities for refugees and immigrants, allowing them to become economically selfsufficient. Search the dmv website division of motor vehicles nh. New hampshire traffic school online and defensive driving. Our online new hampshire drivers ed course strives to make your teen a safe, considerate new hampshire driver. Driver improvement courses nh department of safety nh. After listening to the news from cdc, referring with my teammates and listening to the government officals and health professionals jacks driving school llc has suspended all operations until april 3rd. To ensure the courses are taught consistently by quality, dependable instructors, nsc has developed a convenient elearning instructor certification course for people who want to teach its defensive driving courses. Thats why our new hampshire online driver improvement course is the perfect solution for you.
Dmv t0 nh department of safety, dmv, 23 hazen drive, concord, nh 03305. Let us be your guide to great programs, stimulating things to do, local services, discounts and more. Driver education programs must consist of 30 hours of classroom instruction, 10 hours of driving with a certified driver education instructor, and 6 hours of driving observation with a certified driver education instructor. Welcome to safe wheels driving school, llc dear parentguardian, thank you for showing an interest in the safe wheels driver education program. At drive safe nh we provide a complete, state of the art driver education course for the most timid to the most experienced new drivers. Truck driving schools in concord, new hampshire truck.
There are several trucking schools in concord and the surrounding area that will give you the truck driver training you need to obtain your commercial drivers license cdl and become a professional truck driver. However, if you got a ticket in new hampshire then you must enroll in our new hampshire online traffic school course. A parent may begin practice driving with a child at age 15 12. Drivers with a commercial drivers license can only attend traffic school if they were not driving a commercial vehicle. Our classes have a small student to instructor ratio to make sure we give you the attention and assistance you need.
Overview of street wise driving academy including our mission and focus, course specifics, supporting info, cost, requirements and application. The national safety council eliminates preventable deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education and advocacy. Driver education classes are offered on a 68 week basis throughout the school year as well as 5 week summer class options at this new hampshire driving school. Stevens advanced driver training, llc is committed to being the leader in safe, hands on emergency car control training with a primary focus on new drivers. Whether youre a firsttime driver eager to earn your license, or an experienced driver just looking to brush up on driving safety, weve got what you need. Tips in this aaa brochure will help you select the best driving school. In time, with the education and instruction that we. Watch a brief video to see an example of the online courses. Sharing the road with other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The number of points assessed depends on the seriousness of the offense. A driver attitude component is included for those required to take a habitual offenders class. This 6 hour national safety council course is approved by state of nh for driver improvement only.
New hampshire defensive driving course and traffic school. Sharing the road with other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and. New hampshire division of motor vehicles 23 hazen drive concord, nh 03305 tdd access. A drivers education course in new hampshire consists of both classroom and incar sessions and covers topics such as. Aaa cares about your teens safety and wants to help prepare your new driver. Safer driving with new hampshire drivers education. From concord to nashua, provides topquality online new hampshire drivers education. Concord new hampshire defensive driving traffic school. New hampshire division of motor vehicles 23 hazen drive concord, nh.
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